The Evolution Medical Care team is here to assist the wider community through this time, and will remain open. Plans have been put in place for continuity of patient care, and a number of scenarios planned for in case of Federal, State or Health Department directives which may come in the coming weeks and months.
Healthcare issues don’t take a holiday, and can increase with stress and anxiety. We have you covered.
The good news is that people attend our clinic because they are in pain or have other health issues, not because they are sick.
Current advice is that the risk of transmission of the Coronavirus is small when receiving treatment, provided all patients read the below advice and act upon it. We all have a role to play here.
In addition to other issues, Acupuncturists and Chinese medicine practitioners will need to play a large role in “taking up the slack” for patients who may be unable to have Elective Surgery for Pain Conditions in the next 6-12 months, so it is paramount that our staff and clinic remain operational during this time.
I understand that some may be anxious about attending treatment, so I thought I would answer some questions you may have.
What have we done, and are continually doing to Combat the Virus and keep Staff and Patients safe?
We have a stockpile of Hospital Grade Disinfectant, Alcohol-Based Sanitiser, Cleaning Products, and have put in place enhanced cleaning measures and processes for the health and safety of everyone within our clinic.
I have advised my staff about their responsibilities both at the clinic and away from the clinic, to remain healthy. I have advised them that if they are in any way feeling unwell, to stay home.
The virus is most effectively combated by hand-washing with soap for 20 seconds and frequent cleaning of surfaces, so you should add this to your routine immediately, as we have always done and will continue to do. The virus is surrounded by a layer of fat, and breaks down with soap, detergents and alcohol-based solutions.
We have removed all but essential treatment items off our shelves, desks and floors so that more efficient cleaning can occur on a more frequent basis.
I am not sure if I should attend treatment. What should I do?
We ask you to be upfront and honest about your travel history, and potential exposure, to ensure that all staff and patients (especially our elderly and immunocompromised patients) remain healthy.
This does not mean that you will be unable to be treated, it just means that everyone is aware of any precautions that may need to be taken, including treatment positioning (ie treating you face down instead of face-up), or techniques used.
If you have travelled overseas in the past 14 days:
You should self-quarantine for 14 days, as is current Australian Government Advice.
If you have had known close contact with a person with COVID-19:
You should self-quarantine for 14 days, as is current Australian Government Advice.
If you are in either of the above categories, we are able to help you via phone consultation. If you would like assistance with this, please call us on (02) 4709 6727.
If you are not a returned traveller, nor had contact with COVID-19:
- Current advice is that you are safe. There are less than 200 cases in NSW at the time of writing, and all can be traced to overseas sources. Person-to-person transmission in the community is not yet posing an issue, but this could change rapidly so keep updated with current Federal and State Government advice.
- If you are feeling unwell in any way, please contact us for advice about whether you should attend your appointment. If you have a fever, cough, excessive runny nose or shortness of breath, then you will be advised to not attend your appointment.
What’s Next?
Australia and NSW are in a good position to handle this threat due to our public hospital system, and because we have had more time to prepare compared to other countries. We are also an Island Continent, with fewer people per unit area, so this also slows it down a little.
There is a risk, depending on the spread of the virus, that health systems will become pushed to capacity, meaning that Elective Surgery and non-essential medical care in both the Private and Public Hospital systems will be put back for a while.
As healthcare practitioners, we are here to help. We are qualified to assess and treat a wide range of Musculoskeletal Headache and Pain conditions, Anxiety and Stress syndromes, Immune Deficiencies, Digestive Health Issues and play a vital role in helping those who may require surgery to keep moving, and with less pain. Should surgeries or specialist appointments be delayed, we will need to step up to the mark to ensure people have a good Quality-of-Life during this time.
There is also a chance that there will be directives that schools, public places and businesses etc be required to close for a period, and people instructed to remain indoors at home, should the risk of a large outbreak escalate. Listen carefully to the advice of your state and federal authorities, and do as they say. The business has plans for next steps for patient care should these circumstances arise.
In Conclusion…
We will continue to keep you informed during this uncertain time.
I am not a virologist nor medical doctor, so I am heeding the advice of the experts on what needs to be done to be most helpful at this time. All of the above in this letter is from the advice of the experts. You should listen and act upon their advice too.
Please ask our staff any questions you may have about the Coronavirus, including ways to keep you and your family healthy in the upcoming months. We are here to help.
(And please don’t steal our Toilet Paper!)
If you have any questions whatsoever, please email me at, or contact the clinic on (02) 4709 6727
Yours in Health,
Andrew Romano – Director
Evolution Medical Care